DONATE to the Caribbean Sail Training Association NOW
Business Sponsor Page Caribbean Sail Training
Business Sponsoring & Donations CST
Caribbean Sail Training
Non-Profit Association
Business Sponsoring and Donations Drive
Caribbean & Europe
Winter 2022 - Spring and Summer 2023
Caribbean Sail Training
Non Profit Association
Change your Course and Make a Difference ®
If you are the owner or manager of a business, please consider becoming a sponsor by pledging or giving a DONATION to our nonprofit association Caribbean Sail Training.
We need people like you to sponsor our organization so that we can continue our work with YOUNGSTERS and the SAIL TRAINING VESSELS in the Caribbean.
Over the past years, hundreds of youngsters have sailed and received education while sponsored by our organization CST, on Tall Ships and other vessels.
Our nonprofit association has also helped and sponsored almost ALL the Sail Training Vessels that have visited the Caribbean during the past years!
We have several projects for witch we need your help.
You can "CHANGE YOUR COURSE AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE" so that we can continue to help youngsters with their EDUCATION and assist the Caribbean Sail Training Member Vessels with financial and technical help, bookings, and ship services.
Caribbean Sail Training ( CST ) has been established in 2004 at the Bel Air Plantation in Grenada by Jan Roosens (President) and his business partner Fred Thomas (secretary) as a registered nonprofit / charity foundation with the aim to help in providing education and sail training towards young people of all nationalities, cultures, religions and social backgrounds and especially towards people born and / or living in the Caribbean.
The association constantly also supports the Caribbean Sail Training member vessels (over 70 ships are actually members) with money and material sponsoring, paying harbor and clearance fees while the ships are in the Caribbean and more.
Jan Roosens was visiting Grenada regularly since the eighties and when he was there in 2004, he discussed with Fred the possibilities of forming the foundation Caribbean Sail Training with Fred as partner.
Fred agreed, and CST was incorporated.
In 2007 he was asked by Jan Roosens to cooperate in the creation of the Grenada Classic Regatta ( Jan created the St.Maarten-St.Martin Classic Yacht Regatta earlier ) which was then held for the first time there in 2008.
Fred`s passion was not only boats but also music, he was an accomplished guitar player and loved nothing more than to jam with his friends and to entertain guests at the Bell Air Plantation in St.Davids Grenada where he lived.
Jan Roosens is originally from Antwerp Belgium where he was involved in the creation and building of the commercial Tall Ships Star Flyer and Star Clipper.
After chartering in the Caribbean in his younger years, he worked as fashion photographer under another name, was building boats, did a commercial pilot license, completed the tall ships building project in Belgium and came to live in St. Maarten-St. Martin with his wife Veerle and 3 kids over 30 years ago.
They started several marine related businesses (the kids as well) and are still the owners of the Yacht and Ship agency Yacht Assistance.
After Grenada, CST was incorporated by Notary Meredith Boekhoudt in Sint Maarten and some years later the association was again moved and is now registered as the nonprofit Association Caribbean Sail Training in Saint Martin Antilles Françaises (which is in the European Community)
Official registration SIRET: 813 744 307 00014 Cat.9229 APE 8899B
Caribbean Sail Training is also the organizer of the Maritime Experience Days, the Tall Ships Day and open ship events in many ports of the Caribbean.
The nonprofit association Caribbean Sail Training has been working during the past 15 years with youngsters and trainees and with the Sail Training Vessels in the Caribbean.
Many youngsters love to participate in sail training on one of the CST member vessels but they, or their parents, don't have the funds to pay the costs to sail on board as a trainee.
We sponsor those sail training days (weeks) so that the Caribbean youth can embark on a learning "Adventure of a lifetime".
Several years ago, there were not so many Sail Training Vessels (the so called "Tall Ships") that came to the Caribbean because of the huge costs involved in cruising the Islands.
Our nonprofit association CST has been helping those ships by making arrangements with port authorities, Island governments, Immigration offices and ship agents and by paying the vessel fees (or a part of it) so that they have to spend less money (or nothing) while sailing around in the Caribbean and doing sail training with their trainees and eventually also the kids and youth that we place on board.
Projects for Sponsoring and Donations
Our organization needs money to pay for the daily running costs of the office and operations in the Caribbean and in France (for Europe).
We also need money to sponsor the youth who wants to enroll as trainees on the Sail Training or other vessels.
We must pay a daily fee to the vessel for each youngster to participate in a voyage.
We need to pay for the trainee's flights and hotel accommodation and transport in case a vessel is not located at the same Island as where the trainee (s) will step on board.
We need money to sponsor the vessels and help them by planning and making arrangements with the port authorities, customs and immigration etc. and paying in part of fully the fees when they have no money to do that.
As we co-sponsor several Caribbean sailing events for which we need money to travel and attend and to send staff even further away to happenings and promotional events like Sail Amsterdam, Sail Antwerp, Rouan, Brest, Séte, Norway, the USA, Canada and other places.
Become a sponsor / donor of Caribbean Sail Training!
As a business sponsor you can donate 1000 Euro (Bronze sponsor) 2500 Euro (Silver sponsor) 5000 Euro (Gold Sponsor) or even more as a Platinum sponsor (10.000 Euro) Gold and Platinum sponsorship entitles you to be a Sponsoring Board Member during two years with your business.
(if you want to donate more than 10.000 Euro that is of course also possible)
As a business sponsor you will automatically also become an advisory board member of our association if you agree (if you prefer not to become an advisory board member that is also possible)
With your input and agreement, we will make press releases and publicity to announce that your company has become a business sponsor of Caribbean Sail Training so that you will receive some good feedback from the attention in the press.
We will keep you informed constantly about Caribbean Sail Training and invite you as sponsor to the events in which we are involved.
There are also possibilities for you as a sponsor to have banners and publicity at the events that CST organizes.
Details can be discussed whenever you prefer.
We will also add your business logo and link in our web sites and you will receive a sticker to have on your door, window or inside your business so that visitors know that you are a business sponsor of CST.
Someone from our association can contact you to discuss this proposal in depth.
If you think that you can help, or if you have already questions, please call or e-mail Jan.
President Caribbean Sail Training Association
Phone : +590690629955 e-mail :
If you want to become a business supporting member ( not a business sponsor ) that is also possible.
Yearly membership fee is only: EURO 500
( includes window sticker as CST Member and free ad in magazine web site )
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and willingness to sponsor our nonprofit association Caribbean Sail Training.
Fair Winds and best regards
Jan Roosens Thais Roosens
President Caribbean Sail Training Directrice CST Europe
Please go to THIS PAGE for on line payments

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